I recently decided to give CGP Grey's 'theme journal' a shot. I like the idea behind it and it struck me as a nifty way to collect my thoughts for this blog.
So let's see how he uses it, and then see how it evolves over time in my hands.
Date & Location: I'm sitting at my desk, it is a little after 9am and I've been up since 7 because police sirens ran for some town event. Rural
Two things I'm grateful for (specific):
1. Let's start easy; I am grateful for my wife. But to be specific, I am grateful she's remained relatively even keeled with me these last few (stressful as hell) months.
2. I am grateful for my friend, Jared, who gifted me with a new monitor and a arm clamp to hold it. He's a good bloke and he's had my back for, lord, almost fifteen years.
Whatever is on my mind in the morning: What is on my mind this morning? What is my mind, this morning? What is my mind? What is? The honest answer is the ever looming threat of unemployment and dreams dashed on the rocks of capitalistic growth. Also the ending of God of War: Ragnarök. That shit was so good.
One thing that went well during the day: Okay, so I'll just answer for yesterday. Just have to remember what I did yesterday. Okay, so here's a thing. I went shopping for jeans yesterday and for the first time in *years* I got to go down a size instead of up.
One absolutely critical action item for the day: I really need to take some time to sit down with my horror one-shot. My plan is to have it finished by Christmas and on DMs Guild or DriveThruRPG.
Okay! Hey, that wasn't too bad.
All best
Shane Z
P.S. My wife and I might pop out to see "Black Panther" on our first date in at least two months.